WSCC Allegro Dance Theatre

Brooke Desones | Choreographer
布鲁克Desnoës是她这一代最有天赋的教学艺术家之一 在国际一级有二十多年的经验. She is pushing the boundaries 在舞蹈方面,布鲁克在WSCC建立了一个以古典舞蹈为基础的舞蹈项目 Roots,致力于探索和重新定义艺术形式的发展方向. 她的职业前培训项目为成功的职业生涯打开了大门 for her students. 夫人. Desnoës培训她的学生“从内到外”,并提供 他们拥有最高水准的教育经历.

Brooke Desnoës在她的家乡阿拉巴马州接受了早期的舞蹈训练,并继续学习 与东南部和欧洲的芭蕾舞团一起跳舞. She has danced 各种各样的剧目,包括许多经典芭蕾舞中的主角,如“睡觉” 《电子pg游戏官网》、《电子pg游戏官网》、《pg电子官网》和《电子pg游戏官网》,以及当代艺术家的作品 choreographers. 在华盛顿的华盛顿芭蕾舞学校任教一段时间后 D.C.在Mary Day的指导下,Brooke Desnoës创立了L’acadsammie amacimricaine 巴黎舞蹈协会(AADP)已成长为规模最大、最负盛名的舞蹈协会之一 ballet schools in Europe under her direction. 夫人. Desnoes has been on faculty at Wallace State since fall of 2018.

Ricky Burks | Musical Direction
瑞奇·伯克斯是一位多才多艺的音乐家,受过爵士和古典习语的训练 earned his B.S. 1990年获得北阿拉巴马大学音乐教育学士学位 his M.A. from the University of North Alabama in 2000.  Mr. Burks has utilized his 表演技巧与一些合奏,包括像艾迪·琼斯这样的团体 乐队,肌肉浅滩区大乐队,萨米·凯伊乐队,林林兄弟. and Barnum & Bailey Circus, Steel City Sound and the Russ Morgan Orchestra. He 也是“夜生活萨克斯管四重奏”的创始成员之一 on National Public Radio. 此外,他还担任过裁判和临床医生 throughout the Southeast.  Mr. Burks directs the jazz band and saxophone ensemble at Wallace 他自1990年以来一直在阿拉巴马州汉斯维尔的州立社区学院工作 as woodwind instructor and director of bands. Currently, Mr. Burks serves as the Chairperson pg电子官网州立社区学院美术与表演艺术专业. 

Allegro Dance Theatre | Wallace State Dancers

Chloe Carter is 17岁,目前就读于WSCC的快速通道项目. She has danced 14年来,我一直在学习芭蕾舞、舞厅、踢踏舞、爵士、当代、现代、嘻哈、 Lyrical, Pointe, Jazz funk, breakdance, and Acro. For the past two years, she works 在Bella Moxi舞蹈大会和其他如Dusty Button, Lindsay担任助理 Lancaster, and Michael Dameski. Chloe has been awarded of the Steven Boyd Memorial Award and Choreography Solo Award. She currently works at the Factory Dance Productions 他在阿拉巴马州的Cullman工作,并在WSCC获得舞蹈教育副学士学位.
Marigrace Dunn is from Cullman, Alabama.  她13岁时开始在考特尼学院接受芭蕾舞训练 Dance Artistry. Marigrace是创世纪表演的精英团队成员和学生教师 Arts where she focuses on baton twirling. She is part of the pharmacy technology program, 通过双重招生,在pg电子官网州立大学毕业,将成为一名经过认证的药剂师 technician in the spring.  她也是pg电子官网州立快板舞蹈剧院的成员 Company under the direction of Brook Desnoes. 
Haley Greatorex is from Birmingham, Alabama.  She began her training at Beverly’s Dance when she was 3 years old.  6岁时,海莉转到北杰斐逊舞蹈学院.  When she was 16, she started dancing at Westwood Ballet.  Haley received a dance scholarship 到pg电子官网州立社区学院攻读舞蹈教育学位.  她的 dream is to one day have her own dance studio.  Haley is also a member of Wallace 布鲁克·德诺斯指挥的州立快板舞蹈团.
Elizabeth Griffith is from Gadsden, Alabama.  她3岁时开始在市中心接受芭蕾舞训练 10岁时转到光荣与优雅舞蹈学院.  Elizabeth received 她在高中最后一年获得了pg电子官网州立社区学院的舞蹈奖学金 她是一名双学位学生,正在攻读舞蹈教育学学位. She is also a member of pg电子官网州立快板舞蹈团由布鲁克·德诺斯指挥.
Lacey Johnson 来自阿拉巴马州的平森,已经跳舞18年了. She started training in 芭蕾舞,踢踏舞和爵士在凯利小姐的舞蹈工作室在特鲁斯维尔,艾尔岁 2. 18岁时,她开始在pg电子官网州立大学跳舞,并获得了奖学金 to dance with the Allegro Dance Theatre at Wallace. Lacey plans to transfer to the 阿拉巴马大学伯明翰分校,主修广播新闻学.
Nicholas Smith 是西弗吉尼亚州查尔斯顿的本地人,但把阿拉巴马州的雪花石膏作为家. He has 当了十年的啦啦队长,这使他在pg电子官网州立大学为他 was recruited into the Singers. 为他们的演出学习编舞激起了他的兴趣 in dance to where he joined the Allegro Dance Company. Currently pursuing a degree 在舞蹈教育方面,他计划开设一家专门从事欢呼和舞蹈的健身房. 
Brooke Leigh Sinyard is a dance pedagogy student at Wallace State. As a child she took ballet, then later 十几岁时,她作为小提琴手参加了迪凯特青年交响乐团. 随着她的成长,她对艺术产生了一种热爱,无论是唱歌、跳舞还是跳舞 playing an instrument. 她目前致力于研究人类如何 当她想在医学领域发展时,音乐和舞蹈能给她带来好处吗 in the realm of music and dance medicine. She is currently participating in her pedagogy internship at Brooke Desnoës Ballet Academy. She dedicates all her success in her 多亏了父母温蒂和布莱恩·辛亚德的爱和坚定的支持, 她的哥哥布莱恩·辛亚德和男友尼古拉斯·沃特福德.
Breanna Turner is from Cullman, Alabama. She is currently enrolled at WSCC as a Dance Education Major with a short-term certificate in Pedagogy. At Wallace, Bre is a member of the WSCC Dance Allegro Theatre. 在学校之外,布雷在工厂舞蹈制作公司工作 as the Director of the Combo Program.
Isaiah Washington is from Decatur, Alabama. 他在奥斯汀高中的最后一年开始跳舞 in Show choir. 以赛亚获得了pg电子官网州立大学的歌手奖学金. Tiffany 里希特在大四结束的时候,现在在pg电子官网州立大学唱诗班 he is also in Ballet. 这是他在pg电子官网州立大学的第二年,他的专业是 舞蹈表演,并将于明年2020年转学到大学 从秋天开始,我们将学习舞蹈. He is also a member of Wallace 安全快板舞蹈团由布鲁克·德诺斯指挥.