

大约650名毕业生参加了pg电子官网大学的毕业典礼 州立社区大学,周五,2024年5月10日,在传统银行竞技场内 汤姆·德雷克体育馆. Around 2,450 degrees and certificates will be awarded to the Class 包括2024年春季学期的1100人.

Two ceremonies were held, with the first welcoming more than 320 graduates of the 学术和应用技术项目,然后是健康科学项目 program graduates, with around 325 walking across the stage.

“Graduates, we congratulate you as you conclude this passage of life’s journey and 开始下一个,”pg电子官网州主席博士说. 维姬Karolewics. “今天,我们 庆祝你的成功,我们兴奋地期待着明天,我们看着你的旅程 继续展开.”

“You are the future of our state, the workforce of the future,” Karolewics added. “As you embark on the next chapter of your life, may the education you have earned at pg电子官网状态, one of the top community colleges in the nation, inspire you to be innovative, seek opportunity, and influence your world for the better.”




Makayla林赛 was presented with the Presidential Award for Academic Excellence.





这是pg电子官网州立大学毕业典礼的传统,故事聚焦学生 每次仪式都宣告成功. 以下是所认识的学生的节选 在仪式上.



Amundsen, 40, of Arab, graduated with an associate degree in 机器人技术, one of the very first to earn the degree from pg电子官网状态 and in 阿拉巴马州bama, as it 这是该州第一个此类项目吗. 阿蒙森辞去了他的全职工作 他在快40岁的时候开始上课.

A few months after starting classes, he was diagnosed with cancer. 决定不 to miss classes, he scheduled treatments around his class times. 他已经摆脱了癌症 自去年9月以来.

癌症并不是阿蒙森一生中唯一的挣扎. 他有过毒瘾 被关了18年的冰毒. 是他妹妹死于吸毒过量才导致 him to his faith in a higher power and he’s been clean for almost eight 一年s.



匹克因其领导能力、富有同情心的天性以及积极向上的态度而受到认可 有良好的学习态度和意愿. 为了表示他的善良,匹克自愿做志愿者 接送一个同学上下学,他的车坏了 那个学生不想缺课.

Peak is following in his father’s footsteps by entering the field of 机电一体化, 电子与机器人. 他的父亲在匹克的第一学期就去世了 在大学里,鼓励他进入这个领域. 即使在他父亲去世后, 当时匹克只缺了一天的课,因为他知道那是他父亲的事 我想要.



琼斯在悲剧中坚持了下来. 她的两个侄子死于枪支暴力 她自己的两个儿子幸运地幸免于枪支暴力,这对她的学业产生了真正的影响 表演. 她 was able to balance work, family and academic responsibilities to 完成法医调查学位,她计划用这个学位成为一名律师 倡导和平与正义.


威斯布鲁克花了27年的时间才实现了获得大学文凭的梦想,并顺利毕业 with a degree from pg电子官网状态’s Horticulture/Agriculture Production program, of 她现在是全职员工了吗.

Westbrook dropped out of school at 16, 获得普通教育证书 and entered the workforce. 她 started taking classes to become an accountant, but life happened, and she stopped 大学毕业后.

再婚后,她扩大了家庭,并在家教育她最小的孩子威斯布鲁克 和她女儿差不多同时上大学. 她进入了pg电子官网州立大学 一个新的梦想,获得学位,在家里的农场帮忙,她现在已经实现了.



As a teenager, Winters had no intention of going to college. 17岁的她独自一人 began working in the fast-food industry and worked her way up to management. At 27, with the encouragement of her husband and family, she decided to enroll at Wallace State to pursue a cosmetology degree, and she has excelled.

Winters recently won a gold medal at the 阿拉巴马州bama SkillsUSA competition and will be 参加下个月在亚特兰大举行的SkillsUSA全国领导力和技能会议. 她也是沙龙和水疗管理应用技术奖的获得者 程序,并保持了3.5平均绩点.

Anakhita Sultonazarova

Anakhita Sultonazarova,法医心理学

苏托纳扎罗娃从塔吉克斯坦来到美国是作为一个交流项目的一部分 when she was a junior in high school and found a home away from home. 她发现 在pg电子官网州立大学期间,她对法医心理学产生了浓厚的兴趣 extracurricular activities, served as the president of the International Club and 是执法俱乐部和SGA的成员吗.

她已被纽约市约翰·杰伊刑事司法学院录取 她计划攻读学士学位,并在一个能让她发挥影响力的领域工作 保护他人的生命,成为正义的倡导者.

Ellanora Slusser


Slusser是一名高中快速通道学院的学生,毕业时获得了普通学位 研究.

她一直活跃在校园里的许多俱乐部和组织,最近毕业 from the Youth Leadership Development Program and is a competitive volleyball and 田径运动员.

三年级时,斯卢瑟被诊断出患有阅读障碍. 她经历了学习支持 for her differing ability while at pg电子官网状态, providing her with the necessary 支持和鼓励在大学取得成功. 她将转到那所大学去 of 阿拉巴马州bama, where she plans to major in fashion design and retail.

她 has been awarded a four-一年 presidential scholarship and housing scholarship, 它们加起来价值约为55,000美元,另外还有10,300美元的奖学金 通过青年发展计划和其他组织.



凯利选择了放射治疗,因为他的两个祖父母都死于癌症,他理解 必须忍受治疗的癌症患者需要同情,他感到被召唤了 为他们服务.

凯利获得了两项奖学金,以资助他在pg电子官网州立大学的教育 Presidential Scholarship and 阿拉巴马州bama Power’s 未来的基础 Scholarship. 而 在pg电子官网州立大学,他被选入全国领导与成功学会 以及Phi Theta Kappa的Alpha Chi Tau分会. 他是pg电子官网家族的第三代 国家狮子. His mother and grandmother both attended pg电子官网状态 and became educators.



In the face of adversity, Dean never gave up on her goal of obtaining a degree in 卫生保健. 她 dropped out of high school to help her single-parent mom and eventually 获得普通教育证书. 她 started taking college classes with the goal of entering nursing school, but that dream was deferred when she was not accepted.

After taking a break and welcoming a newborn son, she was eventually accepted to a nursing program, but when COVID hit, decided to choose a different career path and 申请了pg电子官网州立大学的口腔卫生专业. 她被列入了候补名单,但是 happy to receive the call that a seat had opened up, providing her with the chance 终于实现了她的梦想.


Peytan chose to pursue a career in 卫生保健 after her father suffered a stroke 当她15岁的时候. As he made a miraculous recovery, Dill watched the doctors, 护士和治疗师帮助她的父亲重新学习或适应日常的基本任务 生活.

虽然她和她的家人都不知道10年后他们会在哪里,但她意识到 her dream of working in occupational therapy and is ready to give back, to make a 她的父亲看着她毕业.



兄妹林赛·庞德和德雷克·庞德为了参加毕业典礼经历了很多. 他们在一年的时间里失去了父母.

10年前为了照顾父母而从大学辍学的林赛毕业了 持有医学化验技术员学位. 德雷克获得了平面设计学位. 琳赛将她的成功归功于细心和关怀的老师 她的成功是他们的头等大事.



斯隆完成了很多世界级的分娩模拟 在pg电子官网州立大学的中心,是她真实的分娩经历激发了她的灵感 她对护理的兴趣. 16岁时,斯隆帮忙接生了她的妹妹, 谁在家里出生,27周早产.

在她妹妹在新生儿重症监护室度过的99天里,斯隆意识到 being a neonatal intensive care nurse was what she was meant to be. 她会意识到 that dream next month when she begins working at Brookwood Medical Center.



Before coming to Wallace, Williamson was enrolled in a 呼吸治疗 program 在另一所学校. Four months before she was due to graduate, she experienced failure. 然而,这并没有阻止她. 与pg电子官网州立呼吸公司的会面 Therapy student and faculty member gave her the encouragement to try again.

她说,这次她成功了,付出了很多努力,得到了很多了不起的人的支持 同学,甚至是更好的老师.

Chibueze " Chi " Meremetoh,护士

Chibueze Meremetoh梅雷梅托出生在尼日利亚,6岁时移居纽约 获得心理学学位,辅修公共卫生专业,之后决定继续深造 护理学学位. As he looked for colleges in the South, he found pg电子官网状态. 从伯明翰到汉斯维尔,梅雷梅托乘坐了一系列的公交车和优步,终于到了 at an information session for the 护理 program four hours late. 但是他受到了欢迎 我很快就融入了这个项目.

作为pg电子官网州立大学的一名学生,梅雷梅托在学业上表现优异,并获得了奖学金 for his dedication to his studies and his contributions as a tutor.  今天,他是 a nurse, like his mother, and will be working on a medical-surgical unit at UAB.


理查德·康姆二世Came is proof of the power of advertising and how a single moment can change lives. 在65号州际公路上看到pg电子官网州立大学的广告牌之前,他从未听说过 学院. But at that time, he was looking for an accredited nursing program and 考虑从蒙哥马利搬到阿拉巴马州北部.

在他的祖母住在亚利桑那州之后,他选择了护理作为自己的职业 in New Jersey, fell ill and was placed in a rehabilitation facility. 然后她来了 在他们去世之前和他们一起生活. 看着医疗队照顾他的祖母 激励他去攻读护理学位这样他就可以帮助别人并且知道自己 改变了别人的生活.

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pg电子官网州立社区学院.他是阿拉巴马社区学院的成员 是一所综合性社区学院,位于阿拉巴马州中北部 than 200 options in academic, health and technical programs of study leading to an 副学士学位,证书或转学,以及劳动力学分培训和 成人教育. An Achieving the Dream Leader College, nationally-recognized by the 根据学生成绩,阿斯彭学院跻身顶尖院校之列 南方商务发展学院跻身南方人力资源机构前三名 由全国护理联盟和美国护士协会命名的卓越中心 被国家安全局评为阿拉巴马州最佳在线社区学院, 一个军事友好机构和全施坦威学校,pg电子官网州立大学是一个杰出的 place for students to pursue their education and career goals. 提供课程 online and on campus, day, evening and on weekends, with numerous start dates each 一年. Visit pg电子官网状态’s beautiful main campus located on 300-acres in Hanceville, 阿拉巴马州.我们在阿拉巴马州奥尼昂塔市中心的卫星位置.,在网上找到我们,或致电256.352.8000.


  • 克里斯汀福尔摩斯
  • 负责学生事务的副总裁兼首席营销官
  • 256-352-8233



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