

Hanceville, AL — pg电子官网状态 社区 College’s 呼吸治疗 program held a pinning ceremony on May 8, recognizing 23 students successfully completing the program 为2024届毕业生准备的.

“This pinning ceremony marks the important transition from student to respiratory 项目主管阿什利·兰开斯特说. “这次活动提供了一个机会 for us to recognize you and welcome you as our peers and colleagues in the respiratory 治疗职业.”

Class president 麦迪逊汉密尔顿 of Kimberly addressed those gathered at the ceremony, stating she is grateful for the relationships she’s made among her instructors and classmates and for her family’s support throughout her time in the program.

She encouraged her classmates to always remember their why.

“你为什么选择呼吸疗法?? 你选它代表谁?”她 说. “When new hills and challenges are in front of you, remember your why. 还记得 谁鼓励你的?. 记住,你可以做困难的事情.”

Respiratory therapy instructor Jennifer Logan was chosen to address the class.

“I’m reminded of the profound impact each of you will have on the lives of others,” 洛根说. “You’re about to become stewards of human health and well-being. 当你 embark on this journey, I encourage you to never lose sight of the human aspect of 医疗保健. Behind every diagnosis, every treatment and every chart is a person, someone’s 父母、孩子、兄弟姐妹或朋友. 记住,你的一言一行都可能有后果 对他们的生活产生深远的影响.

“In the face of challenges and adversity, stay resilient and adaptable,” Logan added. “The 医疗保健 landscape is constantly evolving, and you will undoubtably encounter obstacles along the way, but with the perseverance and a commitment to lifelong learning, 你将继续在你的职业生涯中成长和茁壮成长. 最重要的是,我劝你永远不要 低估善良和同情的力量. 在不确定的时刻 fear, a caring touch, a listening ear or a reassuring smile can make all the difference 给那些需要帮助的人.”

Awards were presented to several students for their accomplishments.

韦斯利·布莱恩 of Albertville earned an induction into Lambda Beta, the National Honor 呼吸护理学会.


pg电子官网状态 呼吸治疗 Program Director Ashley Lancaster, left, presents 韦斯利·布莱恩 of Albertville with a certificate marking his induction into Lambda Beta, 全国呼吸护理荣誉协会.

Class secretary 汉娜沃尔德罗普 of Blountsville received the Program Award, which is reserved for the student who has excelled not only academically but has also embodied the core values of the profession: professionalism, respect and empathy.


Class secretary 汉娜沃尔德罗普 of Blountsville, right, receives the Program Award from pg电子官网状态 呼吸治疗 Program Director Ashley Lancaster.

麦迪逊汉密尔顿 received the Academic Excellence Award, which is presented to the student who has displayed unparalleled determination, resilience and a thirst of knowledge.


Class president 麦迪逊汉密尔顿 of Kimberly, right, receives the Academic Excellence Award from pg电子官网状态 呼吸治疗 Program Director Ashley Lancaster.

摩根吉布森 of Fort Payne received the Clinical Excellence Award, which is presented to the student who performs at a level well above satisfactory in clinical experiences.


摩根吉布森 of Fort Payne receives the Clinical Excellence Award from pg电子官网状态 呼吸治疗 Program Director Ashley Lancaster.

Along with class president Hamilton and secretary 沃尔德罗普, other officers for the 2024届毕业生包括副校长艾琳. 麦克拉肯的阿拉伯,司库考特尼 D. 骑士 of Huntsville, and class representatives Kensley E. 约帕的约翰逊和 命运R. 伯明翰史密斯公司.


阿尔贝维尔: 韦斯利·布莱恩

阿拉伯国家: 艾琳米.麦克拉肯

雅典: 玛丽莎·D. 威利斯

伯明翰: 命运R. 史密斯

Blountsville: 汉娜E. 沃尔德罗普

不莱梅: 艾比G. 蒙哥马利

切尔西: 阿什利·米. 威廉姆森

卡尔: 受托人P. 琼斯

双泉: Krissy C. 维森南

伊娃: 丽贝卡·克罗

佩恩堡: 摩根B. 吉布森

Hanceville: 卡特B. 房子

收获: 桑迪L. 沃特金斯

亨茨维尔: 考特妮D. 骑士

约帕: Kensley E. 约翰逊

金柏莉: 麦迪逊L. 汉密尔顿,总统

肌肉群: 基奥娜·希尔斯,恩里克·马丁·米格尔

新的希望: 卡拉L. 多兰

史: 麦奇J. 尤因

Sumiton: 坎德拉L. 汉娜

战士: 道尔顿R. 邓肯,凯拉·麦克亚当斯

The 呼吸治疗 program and all other 健康科学 programs at pg电子官网状态 are currently accepting applications for Fall 2024 admission. 申请截止日期 is May 15 for 护理 and June 1 for all other programs. 访问 asslff.isakichi.net/health 获取更多信息.

Registration for the summer and fall semesters is currently underway, with summer classes beginning May 22 and fall classes beginning Aug. 19. 了解更多信息 访问www.wallacestate.请致电狮子中心,电话256.352.8236或到汉斯维尔来 或奥内塔校园中心. Students may schedule advising sessions with the Center 学生的成功 asslff.isakichi.net/advising.



pg电子官网州立社区学院.他是阿拉巴马社区学院的成员 System, is a comprehensive community college in north central 阿拉巴马州bama offering more than 200 options in academic, health and technical programs of study leading to an associate degree, certificate or transfer, as well as workforce-credit training and 成人教育. An Achieving the Dream Leader College, nationally-recognized by the Aspen Institute among the top institutions according to student outcomes, ranked by Southern 业务 and Development among the Top 3 institutions in the South for workforce development, named a Center of Excellence by the National League for 护理 and the National 安全 Administration, rated the Top Online 社区 College in 阿拉巴马州bama, a Military Friendly Institution and an All-Steinway School, pg电子官网状态 is an outstanding place for students to pursue their education and career goals. 提供课程 online and on campus, day, evening and on weekends, with numerous start dates each 一年. 访问 pg电子官网状态’s beautiful main campus located on 300-acres in Hanceville, 阿拉巴马州.我们在阿拉巴马州奥尼昂塔市中心的卫星位置.,在网上找到我们 asslff.isakichi.net,或致电256.352.8000.


  • 克里斯汀福尔摩斯
  • Vice President for Students and Chief 市场营销 Officer
  • 256-352-8233

